Kindnesskristine kristine(o...
I know no one will see this good bye forever..I’ll never return and I’m not joking bye...
There was a tornado where I live and I had low service so yeah and here's an egg for nerdymeow ge...
I have no power but I have service
She just grew to category 5!! And more powerful than hurricane Andrew!! Kill me
No Description
I'm srry I haven't been posting I have an art class now and I have lol
Pls take 1 egg,limit of eggs from me is 5,these eggs are very fragile don't let nothing fall on t...
Pls take one egg,limit of eggs u can take from me is 5,take care of the egg
One egg pls,the limit of eggs you can get from me is 5,and pls take of the egg
One egg,the limit of eggs u can get from me is 5,and pls take care of the egg
Red:No! Green:ok! Yellow:maybe Purple:ask
I need Names!!! Pls
If you say is good ok I don't think is good