Oh thanks I might look into that website.. I wanna be a famous author when I complete college ^^ ...
he accidently finds out her secret and he saves her in the end ^^ before she gets (um well I don...
Neat! I'm writing a story with my bbf (best bro friend) called lock and key. Its about this girl ...
-stands outside the school corridor silently, listening to the wind blow through the trees- hello...
Did I make things awkward..? :( i'll leave i'm sorry. I get kinda pushy sometimes. No hard feelin...
I love this drawing style xD bunny would you be mad if i used it.. I'll stop if you want me to bu...
Idk if your on bunny but this os a tribute to you! I love your artwork! Your very talented so i d...
-looks at prince- oh.. Ok sorry -lets go of prince and walks off to get soda-