How about that 2019 huh?
Things have really changed. Kai’s a dad, Vixen is gonna be a mom, I have like 30 new OCs, and I’m...
I haven’t been on here in 69 (hah) days.. um. Well I’m back. For good I hope.
I need more frien...
Reason: School, and this place is dead, FrameCast animations, Amino and stuff.
If you wanna talk...
Does Kai actually look that much like Tord? Like ok, the hair only a bit but come on.
Ok so I made this to prove to my friend that I actually enjoy drawing and reading yaoi crap.
Camp Camp
This is something like a series I’m gonna do.
I remade a little comic I did while I was supposed to be taking notes.
BAAAABIESSSSSSS | Ray: Mm... | Sun: Aw, Ray! Look! She looks like you!!
Long story shor, There’s a stray dog in our yard that I named Hazel,
Rose isssss | Rose; Screw off. | Vixen: Haha, I like sick Rose. | Me too. | Rose: Yeah, well not ...