This app won't let me do anything without logging me out again and idk if my password changed(I m...
Dont mind the animation its just a character i made
Now that the app is working can i just say how much i hate online school? I get easily distracted...
It wasnt working for me for ages but its working now its probs ganna stop working again but at le...
I call them energy burst
Will it let me animate a 40 frame animation? The answer is:yes, yes it will
If you don't know what DJ is its a sitck animation series with each episodes being less then a mi...
Im not intrested in the current arc so im skipping it you can consider the last few episodes an O...
I doubt it will ever happen but who knows it just might. My dream for the future is to make 2 sho...
Dj Jump age:12 year:2017 s1ep95 other name:S4 ep8
Im scared of water mostly lakes rivers swimming pools and seas/oceans
Yep iam aroace. Im Aromantic and some where in the asexual spectrum but for now i just say asexua...