contact your doctor if you experience any of the following syptoms: shit that happens when you dr...
i t s s o m e t h i n g y o u w o n t u n d e r s t a n d
*press F to pay respects*
1. jam your charger into your forehead 2. grab the multi coloured josh 3. get out of your device ...
josh: good evening twitter, this is ya boi, eatdatpussy445 and about 14 to 15 minutes ago.. i bea...
the skull is not very strong, but can heal very fast. if a pice of skull damages the brain, it is...
subtitles for yall bois: josh: *points at MACINTOSHPLUSRUNNER*
josh: there it is! o p e n u p y ...
name: j03h
description: a robot version of josh, but is less likeley to curse. has the same per...
rules: no going off subject. if you are gonna attack someone. give a reason why. (pushing or ligh...
you cant tell if this is a facepalm or not.