I'm taking a long break from this app because my life is starting to get a lot better and I wanna...
I'm evil :>
I call him Tord because he always wears this red sweater and he has a bandage on his neck because...
Ember gets up and embers eyes are normal but the others eyes are dark red but bandai ran away . ....
Bandai's eye turns dark red and is now visible to anyone and Andy and will turn around and see hi...
Embers eye turns dark red just like sienna and ember starts to see bandai. "Hello ember . ." Said...
No Description
Ember gets a bucket filled with water and throws it at sienna and her eyes turn normal and can't ...
Sienna runs outside quickly to the figure and she yells at it "WHO ARE YOU?!" She panics while sa...
Sienna's eyes start to turn pure dark red and she sees a black figure . . .it looks likes . .it ...
Dante hangs himself his last words . . "I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore . . ." Sammy,Andy,and w...
People still need to draw em selves
Up to 5 people :P
Basically my sibling and cousins who live with me :/
Tom~open||Tord~ taken by waffle||Edd~taken by ocean||Matt~taken by tony