Deleted >:)

His name will be Zeypher

Pronounced (Zeh-fur), he's British and outstandingly adorable. He is overly masculine if you call him "cute" or "sweet" and his real hair color is alburn. And his sexuality is straight.

7 years ago   115 浏览量   2 框架


  Deleted >:)

Zeypher: Th-Thanks.

7 years ago   回复
  Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||On...

Sheila: You're welcome and she said your nose is to beautiful? Witch, I agree with~

7 years ago   回复
  Deleted >:)

Zeypher: *puts hand on nose* Why? I use that! And thanks.

7 years ago   回复
  Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||On...

Sheila: I don't know.... All I know was I saved you. She was about to shoot your nose

7 years ago   回复
  Deleted >:)

Zeypher: What the hell is happening...

7 years ago   回复

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