Vixen: Now look what you did.
Vixen: She’s mad now.
Vixen: -runs to them- Hey, guys! I got us a newbie! | Devon: Really? | Glidder: I’m impressed, usually you eat them. | Kai: -smiles and waves at him-
Vixen: -walks in and looks around- Where... oh there they are! -waves at a group of people at the corner sitting at a table-
Vixen: But they’re all straight so— Don’t get any ideas. Well, except for Kai and me... Anyways! -teleports and then they’re in front of a bar-
I hate you both. | Vixen: -let’s her go and grabs his arm- Let’s go, we’re meeting up today anyways.
Great... | Vixen: Yup. Me and my friends. We go out sometimes and get drunk as hell. I think you'd fit right in. -smiles, but not really in a nice way-
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