Oh jeez
Girl you need to go to the hospital O! Sun: Yeah well. I like seeing Douglas and Kai is nice to me so.. No. The pain feels good.
O!Kai: -grabs him by the shirt- YOU F— | O!Sun: -picks him up and looks outside- Guys, the abulance is here. -takes him outside. | O!Ray: -jerks away from him- ...
O!Kai: You did WHAT?! -gets up- WE MADE A PROMISE NEVER TO SPEAK OF THAT!! | O!Sun: -smiles and goes to O!Douglas- | O!Ray: Dude, stop yelling!
O!Kai: -hugs him tighter- How is this Ray's fault? | O!Sun: ... | O!Ray: I told him... What we did before you Guys met...
O!Kai: I don't know... | O!Sun: Its Ray's fault! | O!Ray: U-Um...
O!Kai: -hugs him and cries- | O!Sun: Fuck. | O!Ray: Is he ok..?
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