Paint it black

Okie so America’s sunglasses

Pre 1945 he had no sunglasses (I’ll get to why in a bit)
Post 1945 he did have sunglasses BECAUSE when he tested the first atomic bomb the light from the bomb can make you go blind so he put his sunglasses on and he likes them

(Also post 1967 he has an eye patch thing because he got shot in ‘Nam) okie thanks for reading :D

5 years ago   26 浏览量   6 框架



Texas: : ] o k

5 years ago   回复
  Paint it black

America: Texas, stfu

5 years ago   回复

Texas: lol. I got my eye shot out in My war. *sips moonshine*

5 years ago   回复
  Paint it black


5 years ago   回复

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