
This is the shit that gets me down

I act like an ass and don’t listen, then shit goes down.
At least I’m not emotionless anymore.
I’m angry, sad, and scared.
It was my fault. That’s why I’m angry. I’m sad because “they” are upset at me. And I’m scared that I messed shit up.
Sucks to be me I guess.

5 years ago   44 浏览量   1 框架


  A yin-yanged headed girl wh...

Sorry I ment is lol and question my friend asked this he is following you he asked if Mayberry you could go to his RP cause he doesn't have a lot of friends here it's ok if no it's just his one his name is't Australia:3

5 years ago   回复

It might have looked that way but I would never want one. And what do you mean you saw.

5 years ago   回复

But it looked that way

5 years ago   回复
  A yin-yanged headed girl wh...

I saw there any way I can help help ya

5 years ago   回复

I would never ask for an argument. I don’t like them.

5 years ago   回复

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