What does the Bible say about light?
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”
Genesis 1:3 KJV
This verse is talking about when God made the Earth. God spoke the Earth into Existence.
“And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.”
Genesis 1:4 NLT
“God set these lights in the sky to light the earth,”
Genesis 1:17 NLT
“For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.”
Psalms 36:9
This verse is talking to God, because he is the foundation of life, for he made life. He gave us life and light.
“You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.”
Psalms 18:28 NLT
The Lord is the light in darkness. Jesus, God in the flesh, cane to wash away our sins, so that the Light of the Lord can be shown to the world through us.
“John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light.”
John 1:8 NLT
John was a disciple of John the Baptist, a witness to tell share the truth about the light that was coming into the world. To share the truth about Jesus and salvation through him.
There are more verses that speak about light, but too many to put in one posts if any of y’all have and questions, open a Bible. I pray that when you open the Word of God, that he gives you the wisdom and revelation. God bless you all, in any and all situations you are in.
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