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Backstory of Hyphen

The new oc has a horbile backatory
His parents and siblings died so he had to do everything by his own.Then he was sent to an orphanage.The owner of the orphanage said that they will be sent to a sxhool based on their age, thats their gtade.He recieved lots of "compliments" when he just came to the sxhool.He was new.Then, once they found out that he is a dumpster diver (at the age of 5) they startes to bully him, to 1st grade to hight school, the end of hifht school.Since then.Everyonf found out, he startes to do it more odten.He had "one friend" that was "real" it turned out to be a bully too, thats when he lost hope and started to be sad more.After him starting his habit again, everything felt "normal" and "👌" again.


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