Lemme tell u a story, a true story! [In desc]

Hi I’m Gumballson60!

And here’s a story with a big melody to it:

The start:

Once apon a time, there was a boy named Adam. He didn’t like gays. So one day, he got his IPad Pro and made a Anime about a man seeing to gays and vomiting in his head. Nobody liked it.

The videos creation:

After it was uploaded, people looked at it straight away. The second they saw it, they started swearing. Then the next was kind and said to delete it but Adam only looked at the 1st one. He got sooooooooooooooo angry, he started swearing to.

Adam crys:

The haters grew bigger and bigger, the swearing comments got bigger and bigger. The boy had enough and made a apology Anime with a speech of sorriness and that he learnt people have thire own opinions. But people didn’t care and carried on swearing and it hurt his feelings, so he cried. (For 10 mins)

He deletes his video and everyone becomes friends again:

The good thing was that the video got 136 views! The bad news was that those views were to comment bad things to Adam. So he had no choice but to delete it and apologies once more... and that made a change to everything. Adam learnt that everyone has their own opinions. So everyone got back together and were best friends.


I told u this cause it’s true. I’m the little boy and u guys are the rude ones. Not cause I hate u but cause this story is true. U might know me as CookieGuy, some might know me as Gumballson60 or even Just some random dude, but u can call me my real name and that’s .... The melody to this story is that everyone has their own opinions and everyone can live free! And the other melody is to never swear.

Plz follow me and the following and be safe!

Plz follow: Exotic, iGuysMakesComics!, R.millionx, MinerMaster, Jjparty and the rest of my followers at the bottom of my page.

4 years ago   76 views   5 frames   1 Like



No, my real.name is Adam

4 years ago   Reply

Wait, so your real name is.......

4 years ago   Reply

Finished act 1 but I didn’t buy the full game

4 years ago   Reply

I’m in the basement

4 years ago   Reply

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