
Hospital room

You might be thinking,”WhAt thE hEck DiD thIs iDioT dO thIs tIme”. And at first I didn’t know. But then I remembered. I’d you didn’t know or I didn’t tell you, my mom put physical and mental abuse on me and my little sister when we were young. And through the past few years I’ve tooken her to court about it. If you didn’t know my mom is a sociopath. Last night she came into my apartment and was looking for some money because she was about broke, and when I woke up I thought she was a robber or somtin and I threw a vase at her. At the time she was emotionally unstable, and she started stabbing me with the vase shards, or so I’ve been told. My neighbor saw her come in the house and called the cops. I truly don’t remember any of this happening but that’s what the nurses told me. And now I’m watching Cartoon Network, in Akron’s children’s hospital, in a different state, with a cord stapled to my head and some weird stuff. I truly don’t know what’s happening so I’ll post to all of u as I go along.


5 years ago   140 views   1 frames   2 Like



ok wtf even how is your life so bad I feel so bad for you 😭😭😭

5 years ago   Reply

Welp, what’s done is done. Annnnnnnd I kinda was getting interested and started watching jojo. Annnnnnd I truly can’t find the words to describe what I watched

5 years ago   Reply

You weren’t being a bad brother! You tried your best to work as hard as you could.

5 years ago   Reply

I kind of do deserve it tho. If I had more money then the hospital wouldn’t stop treating her leukemia. I guess it’s a form of karma for not being a good big brother lol. But that’s just my opinion

5 years ago   Reply

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