How is the ending of Star vs the Forces of Evil even a ending?!?

So, Marco and Star are finally bf and gf in the last amount of episodes
of season 4! Mina takes over Mewni (Stars home dimension) with robots run
by MAGIC. Marco and Star go to a barn to set free pig goats.
That tell their feelings in the barn. They kiss and finally go home.
They get a surprise seeing Elclipsa and Moon fighting. They find out Mina’s
working for Moon. (There are also a army of magical robots)
Star works out that to stop Mina is to destroy magic for good.
Marco gets Star’s wand, Tom fights baby unicorns and Marco gets stabbed
and also flipped a adult unicorn. Eclipsa, Moon Star, Meteora and spirits of the butterfly family
Use the whispering spell (Break the Bond, Tear the Fabric, Cleave the Stone, Stop the Magic) to break
magic. It blows up and then when Marco and Star are separated, they both run to get to a portal. They miss it but it blows up merging their dimensions together. They look at each other, walk to
each other and say hi. Then as the screen shows the majestic sky as the whole siries ends!


5 years ago   90 views   8 frames   1 Like



🏳️‍🌈 FFXIII_Obsesed 🏳️‍⚧️

This is such an old anime how are you here?

4 years ago   Reply
  🏳️‍🌈 FFXIII_Obsesed 🏳️‍⚧️

I like the show as is but it could have had a bit more to it at the end then saying hey to each other, the things I'd like to see are the new world around them, there relationship problems/solutions and how the other Earthlings react to there strange new world

4 years ago   Reply (1)
  🏳️‍🌈 FFXIII_Obsesed 🏳️‍⚧️


I mean it dose say that they're gonna explain the end of the show just by the title sooo that's kinda your fault that the end got spoiled for you :T

4 years ago   Reply

Bru u should just review things in the description I’d watch it

5 years ago   Reply

OMG IKR!!!!!! They shouldn't have cut that off like that!!!! Like at least have some conversation between the two!!!!! U literally just created another dimension to see each other again!!! Idk what was going on in the writer's room by that point!!!! That was just pure disappointment T-T

5 years ago   Reply

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