Tired of the bull crap I've been through you know I didn't say those terrible things on my other account about unknown artist because I was on vacation while that happened I was gone someone hacked my account I swear to God I'm FUCKING DONE WITH YOU PEOPLE you just think you're so special and you can just be rude to whoever you want well guess what person who hacked my account I hate you you're rude and if you were to do it I know you and cookies the animator I know you you're the only other person that had my account email and password and it definitely wasn't unknown artist because I know her she won't talk crap about herself so cookies I'm onto you and if it wasn't you I'm sorry I'm just really upset cuz I got 5 accounts band when I was on vacation so yeah guys I'm not telling you my password or my email because you guys are just going to hack it I can't trust any of you except for the people I know I can trust I won't be uploading until the person who did this apologizes I'm going to make a private chat for me and that person you guys better not Snoop on it because that person probably doesn't want people to know but they did and whoever did it I hope you fess up.
5 years ago 44 views 1 framesDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!