*~Bwets Animates~*

Another weird dream! (yay)

So I dreamed that I was at this camp with some other people:me, others, a pupular comedian Italian youtuber and... B_L_A_N_K (idk why).
My roommate was a girl that fell in love with another guy and everytime they wanted to meet each other I needed to go away from my room.
The youtuber was this guy called "Luis" I love his videos bc they are funny and stupid (he has like 1 million subs) everytime my roommate wanted I've gone to Luis and we talked and done stupid things. B_L_A_N_K had a girl roommate that loved him but he doesn't so he Came to us and do stupid things with us.
I've done some selfies with Luis and then I've gone to my room but my drunk roommate kissed me... So... Her bf would killed me.
The next morning she said sorry to me but her bf knows it. He berated up me and... GET EXPELLED NOOB!
then my brother woke up me.


5 years ago   59 views   1 frames


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