Sad girl
When adults say NO to me its looks like they hate me but inside they love me my teacher
she AlwAYs looks like she is treating me bad when we were,working on our ipad we
all have an animal and my friend said i am a doggy but i was a camel stinky camel
if some of you love camels YUCK π€’ you will make me throw up ok now i will tell
you one thing ok ready set go
me:mom can you buy me this toy please?
Mom: NO you are not a baby anymore
me thinking: i am young that means i AM a baby
Guys here is another one
My friend:hey you are a puppy!
My friend: oh you are not a puppy you are a camel
All of this are bad memories and the badest one i will tell you
when i was like five i went on a playgoround i was playing on
the something two boys asked(hey you want a corn?)i said
No and when they walked away they threw at me an sand
it is the badest memory in my hole life but its the past so
...... bye
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