
Another song I guess..

What do you call me again?
Fatass, slut, bitch or maybe cunt?
You've called me names.
You've called me lies.
You've said mean things that just weren't right.
Fatass is true I eat way to much,
Skinny is a lie. I'm 4 pounds overweight.
Why can't I be 115.
Then I might be skinny.
An impossible goal for an idiot thing.
Yea I called myself a thing.
I'm not a single gender. I'm all of them.
But I'll stick with thing to go with the theme.
My ex called me a thing when she tried to give me away.
She said "fine, you can have that thing"
I didn't like it but who cares.
My opinion won't matter for much longer.
I've been called many things by many people.
Some were nice. Most were bad.
One simple thing about my horoscope.
Capricorns are manipulative.
Apparently I am to.
That's what a girl who use to be my friend said.
"Go play your little game on your other friends. Bye bitch"
Big words for such a small brain.
Oops sorry that kinda slipped.
I'm not the sweeter sour patch kid.
But I'm sweeter then the ones she's eaten.
(Which is a ton)
I don't play games with people anymore.
I use to when I was younger about 8-10.
I found it funny watching people gossip and swarm
Like bees and I was the queen.
I loved attention.
Now I hate it.
I don't like people or gossip or there pesky bees.
I'd rather be alone and get called names.
I've changed my wicked ways so I could be better.
But yet I still find myself with quite alot of trouble.
Do you thing I'm
A bitch, asshole, thot, or a jackass?
Maybe you do.
At least one of you thinks I'm an asshole.
I mean I'm still human.
I should be considered that at least.
But people think I need to bow before them and be a worker bee.
Sorry hunny I'm not one of your drones.
I'm better then a bee. I'm a Phoenix.
Hence my name. The cosmic Phoenix.
The bird who's wings light up and flames and then gets rebirthed back into a healthy mythical world.
i wish I could be reborn. If that's even possible.
Let me burn to ash and rise from what I once was.
I doubt it'll happen...
People like them will call me names and I'll still be here waiting for death to reap my soul and to end my suffering...

4 years ago   45 views   1 frames   1 Like


  The new anime man

That’s neat

3 years ago   Reply

Hi I call u a cutie

4 years ago   Reply

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