~ ☭✙ baldberries 🍓 ✙☭ ~

Also if I rp as Clockwork / Laughing Jack please don't try to ship them or get other pastas to be with them

I'm fine with platonic ships and headcanons [ for ex; Clockwork and Toby being friends ]

but like --

I'm not up for shipping creepypastas ,, it makes me a bit uncomfy

They're mostly teenagers in their late teens [ 13 - 18 ] and it's pretty wack drawing NSFW of them ,, or even the old ones with the teens [ Jack ,, Slenderman ECT ECT ]


Jeff is 13 btw .. if you didn't know

so yea ,, I'm fine with platonic ships and stuff though

4 years ago   28 浏览量   1 框架



Got it fam 👌

4 years ago   回复

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