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4 years ago   10 views   3 frames


  GrapeJuice (FakeColor, Lave...

Hello there, I happened to stumble upon this while exploring this app and it sparked my attention. From the looks of it, I can only assume that you are planning to commit suicide or have suicidal thoughts. I just wanted to say that, no matter who you are or what situation you are in right now, your life has value. If you drop a dollar bill on the ground, stomp on it, spit on it, or just basically ruin it in any way, it does not lose its value. It is still worth $1. This is the same thing with people. A life does not lose its value, no matter what happens to it. They are still valuable. I may just be a random person scrolling through this app, but I just wanted to tell you that you are loved by someone on this earth, and that you are valuable. I hope you'll have a wonderful and positive day ♡

4 years ago   Reply

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