

Uhh... This is a vent drawing sooo... don’t mind me!


4 years ago   60 浏览量   14 框架



Also, can’t you just type your own way of this part of your bio because I don’t like that you copied it off my bio. It was this: “HEADS UP: I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) so I may give up on an animation due to the boredom. Mostly because I hate putting too much time into it for I’ll quickly get bored of it.”
I’m not stupid... I saw it in your bio so, please, make changes because I don’t appreciate you copying it...

4 years ago   回复

I really didn’t mean for you take it that way and I’m hurt because I feel personally attacked... I’m sorry but I did say... Suicidal warning.... I’m sorry your friend died and I know what cyber bullying is like. I was bullied before and I know how it feels... I’m sorry again but just don’t look at my content if it has a warning... or, if it contains sensitive content..

4 years ago   回复

I have a anxiety from listening to music I have depression anxiety and ADHD

4 years ago   回复

Ok cool your hurt cuz I said something that wasn’t meant to be how you took it and I’m hurt because of a cyber bully that pretty much killed my friend

4 years ago   回复

Plus, I hate that you assumed that I’m joking... Reading it made my heart drop... I’m sorry about your friend dying but this does hurt me. I had depression twice and this is my second time receiving anxiety again.. So, please.. I only make these drawings to vent. It’s not my fault I worry all the time and feel down every now and then.. It made me feel upset... Don’t look at my drawings that include depressing topics if you dislike it.... I’m not here to joke because I hate the thought of depression and the only way I make myself feel better is to express myself in art...

4 years ago   回复

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