GrapeJuice (FakeColor, Lave...

Happy National Anime Day! Fan art 1

Happy National Anime Day, everyone!! Today I made some quick fan art of the first anime that I've ever watched, Himouto! Umaru-Chan. It's rushed and not accurate since I drew it from memory, but I hope it's okay for now. I will be drawing another Himouto! Umaru-Chan fan art that I will actually try hard drawing later today. As always, stay safe and wash your hands〜!! ♡♡♡


4 years ago   77 回視聴   1 コマ   3 いいね


  GrapeJuice (FakeColor, Lave...

@Shomor70 thank you! I'm glad its your first anime as well!
@everyone who read the description:
There was a problem with logging in to my account and I wasn't able to finish the artwork. I was left with no choice but to delete the app, which deleted all of my previous work. I have no motivation to redraw it or any of my other unfinished artworks, so I'm very sorry for the inconvenience if you were waiting for a request or simply just the second anime day artwork. I will be redrawing the requests if I have the time to, but I think I'll give up on the second anime day artwork, since it's not even national anime day anymore. I guess it's not that much of a deal to many people, but I just wanted to inform everyone just in case. Also, expect a delay on requests and future artworks if you are waiting for one. Again, I'm very sorry. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this, and stay safe! ♡

4 years ago   返信

This is so cute it’s my first anime too!

4 years ago   返信


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