For Hoshi and whoever wants to look at it
Here's the sucky song I made a year ago XD
Day and days to get back to where I used to be
Hour and hours of what I call Insanity
Butch you know theres only one cure foooOoor me
And that's what I call theend of InsaaanityeeEee
Oh now I know,
The true definition
might as well
Be in hell
Cause i know that's
where I'm gonna go, anway
That's what I mean in, everyway
Its Insanitay its everyday
*end rap section*
Days and days to get back
where I used to be
Hours and hours if what I call Insanity
But now I'm stuck in a void of life
Nothin but a strife
Guess thatz just life
It ain't supposed be fair
In any way
That's why we call it
That's why its here
To make it harder
To build build up character
To make it so that you've got a challenge
That's why
We go all out
To try
To keep up
Here we go my friends
Your the reason I'm here
Now I'm here in this room
It took me so long
And my voice has gottin strong
I'm trying here today
To end this and my Insanitay
I'm here now singin out loud
Showin I'm proud
Of who I am now
So haters back off
*end fast rap*
Or I'll show you Insanity
I'll show you anger
I'll show you depression
I'll show you fear
I'llll shooow yooouuu Insanity
*sad tone*
The cure is me
And who I truly am
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