
šŸš« Bullying šŸš«

Like Iā€™ve said in this little animation, or whatever you call it: ā€œBullying is never okay.ā€

I understand, however, that sometimes people may do it for protection of themselves or to make themselves feel better but bullying is never an answer.
Whatever was put on you, it put on them and it could lead to ending their own life or injuring themselves tremendously.

Why am I talk about bullying, though?
Well, I understand that it still happens. Even today. Sometimes people end their lives not just because or not because of bullying. It could be due to neglect, abuse, etc..
I cry every time I find out someone dies from suicide. Especially, when they donā€™t fulfill their full life.

Life has itsā€™ ups and downs and itā€™s going to get worse before it gets better.
You may fall down a few times, but make sure to always pick yourself up again.

I went through depression because of multiple reasons.
I felt like I was a burden and a failure.
A waste of space and air.
A brat.
An awful human being.
And, so much more.
I wanted to end my own life. I cried every single night. I couldnā€™t bring myself to eat anything. The things I once loved, I didnā€™t even bother doing it. I hated myself. I was thinking about suicide. I couldnā€™t even go to sleep until I thought bad of myself and cried. I could barely even make myself get out of bed, asking why I try anymore. I cut myself, 24/7. I cut myself several times a day because I wanted to release that pain. If anything, made it worse. I faked my smile and I felt guilty even talking to anyone. I was quiet and stayed in my room all the time. No one helped, no one knew. They saw the signs but only two people noticed. I was so slow, mentally and physically. I couldnā€™t bring myself to be okay. I was just down, stuck in my own thoughts. Thinking the same damn thing, over and over. Trapped in my brain with so many negative thoughts about myself.
But, I got out. My other grandma was being nice to me and I was able to get out of depression.

But, I got really bad anxiety after.
I didnā€™t know what it was and thought I was in minor depression but it generalized anxiety.
My anxiety worsened because of my coping mechanisms and constant stress about so many things. I couldnā€™t stop overthinking every situation.


Well, I am getting better. I still have anxiety but I feel better.

But, I got off-topic.

Just never bullying anyone.
No one deserves it.
You are loved.
You are beautiful.
You are still here.
(Sorry to the blind, deaf, etc..)

Love yourself for who you are, not for what people want you to be.
Stay safe.
Have a nice day or night,


4 years ago   66 views   9 frames   1 Like



Awww! Thank youuu! šŸ’œšŸ™šŸ¼šŸ„ŗā˜ŗļø (Sorry for the late response!)

4 years ago   Reply

you are an amazing artist!!

4 years ago   Reply

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