°•🌺Piki The Otter🌺•°

Uh well I am back

Sorry for being gone for almost an week :( my mom found out what I did and well wasn't very happy about it. I ended up having to go to the hospital for a few days (I wont get too into the detaills but it was bad.) I have a few bruises on my arms and legs and face and at one point I thought I was going to die because she had run over to the knive block (I quickly realized and ran out of the house, and that's when my neihbors called the police) it was overall a scary experience. I sadly can't do anything about it yet other than maybe trying to avoid her(I think. I'm not sure because I haven't looked it up yet, please let me know if you think there is anything I can do about it) I've already called for help before, and soon I don't know when, but I'll be staying in a foster care instead. All this sucks badly but it will be over soon. I'm pretty sure she's going to end up going to jail for *attempted* murder but I have no evidence that that was actualy her intended purpose
Yeah, thank you for reading. I won't be on as much because I have all this going on at home PLUS my online classes. I'll still try to post though.
❤️❤️🍭 Bye, have plenty of lollypops ❤️❤️🍭


4 years ago   39 views   1 frames   1 Like


[user is deactivated]
4 years ago   Reply
[user is deactivated]
4 years ago   Reply
  Sparrow >:) (slave of Berd ...

Oh my god I’m so sorry! Your mom is is crazy I’m so sorry

4 years ago   Reply

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