😈Call me safekii👿

Monster that i ever seen in forest

Running man: Running man is Runs into the people and If she catch The people She will puke radioactive into people..

Country: country is the big Tallest Monster and she Better tall into Siren head.. And Country Catching people but she cant but She can long his arms and catch the people with his long arms..

Small country: small country cant even Long his arms cuz he is Kid but she can speed and Catching some people..

Siren head: siren head is The Most big i ever seen and the most loudest Sound i ever heard.. When u hear it into forest escape in Forest.. Cuz Siren will find u.. And she almost got me And I see His Longest Tounge And I see his Nose Two nose And I shock And I punched her in my burning hand and If u punch her with ur power she will get stunned but his stunned is not so long He is stunning with 0 minutes and Its done And If she eats u Go to his nose and Go punch it until she Fling u

Body doll: body doll is a crazy body That i ever seen in forest And They tied in rope but she cant move Im thinking that they cant move so i Walking now but if i turned around I see like crazy thing in this body dolls If u turn around Its looks like they closing and closer to u..

Purple guy: purple is Killing some animatronics and kids but the poloce went into forest And Purple Is Escape And went into a forest And She see me That im Traveling by my family but purple killed my families so thats why they gone and I Pull out my Knife cuz my punch is not burning if my hand is burning I will punch into her So i use my knife to kill her

The guy in the woods: The guy Is running Cuz someone chasing her Is the girl zombie and The guy went into a door and Hide but its too late.. THE BIG HAND KILL HER AND BECOME A MONSTER so be careful to him..

More Stories about monsters coming soon..

3 years ago   55 浏览量   10 框架   1 喜欢



Oh my scary

3 years ago   回复
  😈Call me safekii👿

I mean police

3 years ago   回复

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