So, I was in the living room talking to you on animemaker. I was also listening to Spotify. And Spotify was playing my favourite song, new order bizarre love triangle (1986 extended dance mix). I then wanted to listen to it on Amazon music so I could listen to it over and over. So I asked her to play the song. She played one second of the song and then on all the other alexas in house started randomly playing some stupid ass country song at max volume. My mom has an Alana for every room in the house. And I mean e v e r y . So it made a lot of noise. I told Alana to stop and she did. everybody probably woke up to it. Tho my parents didn't come downstairs and strangle me. Nothing happend. I then earased all bad things I did on my phone (idk I always do that when I'm scared) and walked up stairs really slow. I managed to make it to my room and I downloaded animemaker again and logged in and typed this.