
Toxicity on the app (a rly long rant)

Ok I was gonna post the princess bubblegum sketch today but like most of u I rly hate toxic crap on this app and I do believe most people here are incredibly nice some of my best friends tbh but I still have to rant about it which stinks because this is an app where we should all support each other so when one of us opens up about our problems we shouldn’t then make jokes about it THAT IS DUMB and guys I slept on this to calm down and see what I thought and I still found when someone say they are cutting themself u don’t make it a JOKE and if I was more mature I would leave it anonymous but I’m 15 and one of my friends got hurt so I’m saying names So @ call me sid hearing someone struggle threatening TO CUT THEMSELVES and making jokes about it and when being told to stop telling people to go to hell then deleting the comments so u don’t get caught is not ok and pls don’t do this crap there is no reason stuff like this should happen on the app this should be a place we go to get away from our problems not make more so super long rant over and guys can we just be supportive and help each other through our issues on this app it’s why I have that long paragraph on my bio I just want everyone to be supportive and kind on this app we should lift each other up not bring each other down so ye thanks if u actually listened to this or are even someone who has apologized for past actions that means so much (normal upload tomorrow) sorry y’all have to deal with this who are nothing but supportive and kind and this isn’t to single “call me sid”out as a whole this community needs to do better I just want the best for this app that means so much to me that helped me through such a rough time


4 years ago   121 views   4 frames   1 Like



Just talk to him it’s like I said it’s not all about him I just want the community to be better as a whole u know

4 years ago   Reply

Lol the tldr is don’t be a jerk

4 years ago   Reply

*pat pat* I’m not reading that description

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown dude

I agree with you

4 years ago   Reply

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