
Megaman changes

find the name of all the megaman and put in the comments below the ones you found+(theirs one secret)


4 years ago   30 views   15 frames   1 Like




I want to be like this I feel so depressed and tired for no reason

6 months ago   Reply


hello younger older me, I got it back don't worry and Galantis will never come back lol. also who is Joe? and no I cant speak yet and I'm like 5'9 probably, the craziest thing that happened was when someone said something sus about me and 9th grade kinda shocked me at first because I was tired and confused but I'm guessing its easy rolling from here on out. I can't speak spanish, actuallyI think I forgot all of it lol. I'm in tech school but the art classes are trash and I didn't learn anything that new. And no I don't thinkI ever had a hobby except drawing.

6 months ago   Reply


hi me, accidently deleted my account on cubic castles 3 days ago lol, i hope future me got it back. no galantis still plays sometimes but is less of a in-game mod, not a moderator, no im not writing that on a sign. (joe is kinda cringe, please stay stickimations)
Questions for me in 1 year after this comment: Can you speak yet? How tall are you? What's the craziest thing that you remember from that year? Do you hate answering these questions? How is 9th grade? Is math still easy? Can you speak spanish? Are you in tech school? Did you learn anything neat? Do you have new hobbies?

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Maluma the cat said hi

2 years ago   Reply

Hello future me! Please say hi to my brother if he is nearby.
Could you reply please to this comment so I know what your like? I mean, It's me, BUT IN THE FUTURE!! I will know exactly what your like once you reply, Because I will be you :D

If you are reading this future me.. Remeber your Stickimations, T0poop, AND joe.
Well.. Sorry if it's cringe or anything but my username right now as I'm making this comment is Joe. XD

I like the font of the name right now. So uh.. If your reading this future me, Please remember how cringe you were. idk why I type ":0" so much, lol

So Yeah!! :D
I'd like to know what you do now that might be different back then, Do you still play Cubic Castles? Did Galantis retire cubic castles?? Are you a moderator of cc now..? :OOO
If you are, Please holla to a realm with a sign. Write on the sign this exact comment, Or signs.. Wow I typed alot lol. I'm just excited to see if I ever reply to this in the future. Welp, Cya me! :D

2 years ago   Reply (2)

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