
I'm gonna tell you a story this story is about me

Have you ever feeled betrayed?
Well so have I.
My friend Jamestheproft he was the greatest person ever. Although he was quiet..he was kind. But one day. I told him 'Yo can you help me? I got you that food maker!' I invited him over to my island in Roblox Skyblock he didn't come over.
But then he did and be took most of my crops and he stole my totem... My totem..I worked hard for.. My crops I sold and bought and my Crafting tables. Tiler 2 and furniture table. At that moment everything fell apart. I realized that I was being used by this jerk. My world feel apart. Most of my work in Skyblock was gone..
There are many more betrayals and messages to stop making you feel bad.
Being cheated on
Your husband/wife threw away your diamond soul for a rock.
Somebody you trusted used you
It only means that they are weak and need your help
Having a friend that turned on you
It means that you are above them..
If your betrayal isn't on here remember
the wound is where the light enter you
If you try to run away from a wound you take a peice with you. We can all learn from our mistakes. Don't let anything get to you. It can turn you into dust. From every wound there is a scar. And every scar tells a story. A story that reminded us that we survive.


4 years ago   103 views   1 frames



It's ok I am over it now and I hope Jamestheproft crash's and Burns and dies slowly

4 years ago   Reply

Dang...I feel bad for you

4 years ago   Reply

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