☪️ Lesbian and dumb ☪️

Just something I need to get out of the way.

I've been seeing some self-hate over their art.
Let me just say this.
There's no perfect way to do art, everyone does it on their own way. Some struggle looking for a style, which is okay. If you keep trying new things, you will find it eventually, even if you believe you'll never get there. If you just KEEP TRYING, you'll finally find it. You'll find the style you feel is right for you.
Hating on your art won't get you anywhere, I know it sounds mean but it's true. You can not like it but of you keep bringing it down and calling it bad and horrible and gross over and over again, the will to improve inside you will fade away. Trust me, don't repeatedly say bad things about your art.
In conclusion, no art is bad art. You shouldn't have to feel ashamed of your talent and creativity. Some of you might think you don't have talent or creativity, but you do, you all do, each and everyone one of you. You just have to find it within yourself.
I'm not the best and comforting, and all of this might be a little-a lot cheesy, but I hope it helped atleast someone out there.
-From your penguin-mouthed purple lesbian, ☪️ Aesthetic and dumb☪️


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