🌸🌺🌹🥀RandomBoi🥀🌹🌺🌸 (new acco...

Answering some questions, you might have had!

My biggest goal: being friends with winter and matte:3 (Dey so coolll)
My bff: Matte :3 (you prob already knew that-)
My sister: ApRiL. Weirdest🏳️‍🌈Boi🏳️‍🌈Ever🏳️‍🌈
Any achievements: based of my other account: 🌸🌺🌹🥀RandomBoi🥀🌹🌺🌸
10+ followers!
20+ followers!
30+ followers!
40+ followers!
50+ followers!
60+ followers!
70+ followers!
I wonder if I could make it to 100 one day 👀 ö
And no, I Don’t like matte! We are sisterssss lol xDD
Plus, we both straight-

My birthday: September 30th. It’s in mah bio -.-
My zodiac: Libra.
Quick storyyy:
The day I was supposed to be born, my father and mother got in an car accident, while I was still awaiting to be born. So they held me back, about 6 days. And that is the only way I could be a libra, if that hadn’t happened I would be a Virgo, y u c k (no offense virgos-)
God was like, No wait, that’s illegal-
And like: NoT toDaY siStErs
But they both had no injury’s whatsoever c:
And they are still living c:
I have Bebe sister named Amelia tooo c:
She sooo cuteee! It’s hard to stay mad at her!
But, if you have anymore questions, feel free to tell me!
Cus’ I ran out of my own questions o.O


4 years ago   48 浏览量   1 框架



Wow, that's a lot! :0

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