Scariest nightmare ever
I felt like I’d throw up after I had this night mare 🤢🤮🤧
Ik it looks like crap..
+* { story }*+
me - I better head to bed
lights go out
me : I can’t see any thing wtf?
looks down hall after hearing low grumble
walks really slow cuz itz a frickin nightmare so I’m like barely movin
me : uh hello?
Noise gets louder as if it’s getting closer
Hears scream
me : * walks down stairs Into
Living room *
Hears scream on tv and then irl
* tv static *
then basically I Turned around and saw more than one shadow.
I looked back and saw what looked like a really creepy girl Frankenstein
and then I bellyflopped. then she like had this super annoying and scary scream
then I woke up. yeah it was scary and I felt sick when I woke up
I hate nightmares ~_~
I was frickin TERRIFIED of it
Worst ever experience ~o~
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