☆ svnkenskvll ☆

ummm about my mental health

I've actually been doing great! I have been a lot more uplifting than i used to and not really mind flaws, or just even try to fix them, plus I have been less self deprecating and I think that's a really good achievement for myself
I'm glad I actually got up and tried to lift myself up a bit, and it kinda worked
I'm so excited and happy for myself, as I get to see what everything truly looks like and like WOAH theres barely anything bad, which is good!
idk if anyone cares but I just wanted to write this out incase anyone was wondering

4 years ago   40 浏览量   1 框架   1 喜欢


  ☆ svnkenskvll ☆

yeah, I'm quite proud I get to see everything how it is,, I just hope others get to see it too once they overcome it

4 years ago   回复

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