Blueberry (✌️Meme squad mem...

Oc maker 2 improved

Also you can mix it like a skeleton demon


4 years ago   91 views   1 frames   1 Like


  Blueberry (✌️Meme squad mem...

Well I know that the underground had a bad ending lots of times but yeah I don’t know but Gaster does because he was the one who created me and papyrus but Violet I created her by following the steps from G’s blueprints

4 years ago   Reply

Uh hum. So yeah warps.
I suspect you probably don’t understand yourself how it works. In which case, be ware there is a chance, that every time you teleport the following might happen:
The past you before you teleported is dead but the new teleportation clone is unaware
You’re teleported to a different timeline with a perfectly sametrical past and you don’t know.
You are materialised from some other anti-matter which destroys you
You experience too much Gs
Radioactive effect from photons you teleport into
High pressure due to you materialising inside some air (which has mass) and your internal organs gets more pressure

4 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry (✌️Meme squad mem...

No it’s just magic me Papyrus and Violet can teleport it’s in our magic inventory

4 years ago   Reply

If however, you are teleporting without quantum transport and you use warps/warp portals, you will feel a infinite gravitational force on your body unless it’s balanced out (strings from string theory). Unless you don’t want your brain to work anymore, use CGG approved teleportation portals/material

4 years ago   Reply

If, your teleportation is dependent on quantum transport, please note that every time you teleport, you die. It just makes a clone of you elsewhere u aren’t aware that you are dead because it has perfect memory of you before you died. So no one will know you died, even you!
P.s. be careful of quantum transportation devices

4 years ago   Reply

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