Poor baby 😖

So we usually close all the doors in my house and let my chinchilla Mimmy run around the house (living room, kitchen, and hallway) so earlier today we let Mimmy run around the house and we were gonna put her up before leaving but couldn’t find her so me and my mom assumed she was taking a nap under one of the couches. We weren’t gonna be gone long so we thought that it’d be ok to leave her home alone. When we got home my mom saw her on the frame of one of the chairs at the table (we have the fancy metal wire chairs) my mom thought she could sneak up on her and grab her. So my mom tried to grab her and saw she was stuck on the chair. Her arm was stuck in one of the twists in the wire. My mom was able to get her out with out hurting her but Mimmy ended up hurting herself. I’m not sure how long she was stuck in the chair but now she’s not using her arm and her paw is swollen and just hanging. My mom says it’ll probably heal but I’m still kinda worried for her


4 years ago   69 浏览量   1 框架   4 喜欢



Thank u guys I really hope Mimmy recovers well too.

4 years ago   回复

Hope he/she gets well I’m praying

4 years ago   回复

That’s So Cute And i’m sorry Hopefully Your Pet Get’s Better 🙂👍

4 years ago   回复

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