kinda rant about my friend but

stalking killing isn't hot , stop thinking it's a romance comic and stop fetishizing Antisocial personality disorders , aka SOCIOPATHY / PYSCHOPATHY , also calling them sociopathy and pyschopathy is very offensive , but stop romanticizing killers and making them gay , also stop romanticizing mental illness in general , it isn't fun or cute , it's fucking self destructive to have to deal with

Also my ADHD and me constantly forgetting things isn't cute Abi , I literally had a mental breakdown and slammed my head on my door multiple times until I had a giant bruise and bled a little because I couldnt remember where I put a pen , it isn't cute , the other day I fucking punched myself because my parents yelled at me for not properly mopping , it's not cute how that's my first reaction to her yelling at me about that , it's mentally unhealthy , be lucky you don't have mental illnesses right now , you could develop them later sure , but having no mental illnesses is so fucking great


4 years ago   87 views   1 frames




4 years ago   Reply


4 years ago   Reply

wow, that’s just

4 years ago   Reply

My ex friend ❤️ she pretends to be pansexual and Genderfluid but can't respect it when I want to change my pronouns and gender , she also romanticizes mental illness and thinks my outbursts / panic attacks are cute , and she finds my stimming weird , same as my tics , she's a huge bitch , she ghosted me because I called her out on being transphobic towards me

4 years ago   Reply

wtf I-
Who does that
E w
romantizing mental illness I-
All my words are
W h y

4 years ago   Reply

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