This happened:
Doggy: Bork Bork.
Poley: what is it?
Doggy: Abork Bork Bork abork bork.
Poley: Bunny’s in the wail??
Doggy: Bork Bork abork Bork abork.
Poley: she deserves it?
Doggy: Bork.
Poley: well we need to go get bunny!!
Doggy: No...
Poley: wha-
Doggy: leave her...
Poley but-
Doggy: sit..
Poley: but bro-
Doggy: SIT
Poley: Ok..
Doggy: repeat after me...
Doggy: bunny.
Poley: Bunny..,
Doggy: Deserves..
Poley: deserves..
Doggy: to die...
Poley: Dude that’s just messed up.. you saying you could talk and is just saying Bork for no reason?
Doggy: Yeah man,
Poley: .. I like dat
Doggy: Really :D
Poley: Yeah, Yeah I respect dat.
Doggy: wanna be fwends??
Poley: ya know what.. I’m down!!
Poley and doggy: you ruined the moment.. your going down with Bunny...
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