
I might quit

I spend so much time on a piece of art or an animation to only get 3 views. I try to make things that people like but nobody cares. I also have a lot of things going on. I get that not everyone likes my art style, but what’s the point of having 18 followers if only two watch your animations? I’m very thankful for the people who do watch my animations. I’m trying to improve but I have no motivation. I’m sorry I can’t make art you guys like. I’m sorry I take long breaks. I’m sorry I’m not interesting to you guys.
Everyone cares if a big animator quits. Everyone cares. Everyone will beg them not to leave. But I have less than twenty followers. Nobody will care. I reach out to everyone but nobody reaches out to me... if I do quit, I’m sorry


4 years ago   29 views   1 frames



Thank you. I’m not asking for followers, I’m just saying and telling you why

4 years ago   Reply

I’m sorry but this is how AnimeMaker was made you won’t be popular just because ppl are sad for you,this use to happen to me all the time but I didn’t let it make me give up,I persevered and I got what I wanted it’s all about determination

4 years ago   Reply

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