Finished my first day of high school

It wasn’t that bad, kinda boring though. My school has one way hallways meaning u can only walk one way so I had a class and my next class was only a few doors down but since we have one way halls i had to walk down the hallway, up the stairs, down the next hallway, go down another set of stairs, then walk halfway down the next hall just to get to my class. Also I have like no classes with my friends (hopefully I’ll have a class with one of my friends tomorrow) but I was able to eat lunch with my friend BonBonBean. Random thing but I was sick of playing This “game” it was a get to know u game but you would right 3 numbers that were somehow special to you on a paper and you’d share with a person around u what numbers u wrote down and why they were special to u and I had to do that in half of my classes(if ur curious mine were •13, my lucky number•24, the day I was born•22, the day I started color guard)Might I mention Half of my classes I have coaches as teachers. Also My English teacher is awesome!!! And my science teacher is pretty cool he let us play on our phones most of the class. I was let out of class late today because the bottom floor gets let out first then 3 minutes later they let out the 2nd floor so they don’t have a bunch of people piled up (and my last period was on the second floor but I’m not gonna complain I don’t mind having to wait 3 minutes) anyways that’s how my first day of high school was, tomorrow I may post my 2nd 1st day of high school (we have rotating schedules)

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