
Things I hate.. [WARNING: Swearing.]

1. Countryhumans:
I'm not being homophobic, but sexualizing countries? Really? How is that even sexy-? These countries caused millions of deaths.

2. Kpop stans/fans:
Kpop fans are very annoying and they would barely stfu about a single Kpop member. But the worst part about it is they disrespect death of many people( I can't show you any pics but go to 8:35 timestamp of this video: https://youtu.be/4IqMFxjqJlY ) ..Seriously? Making fun of someone's death just to promote Kpop?! No, I don't hate Kpop I'm just telling this.

3. Piggy ships-:
Alright, alright. A LOT of people will probably hate on me but..Is it really necessary to fricking ship Piggy characters? I know there some 'tHeOriEs aBouT zIzZy aNd poNy'S RelEaTioNsHiP/lOveStoRy' but I find it honestly disgusting and weird. I used to ship Piggy and Pony, but not anymore. What's the importance of shipping them? What in the world-.

4. Gacha incest, inappropriate videos/ love stories:
We all hate this, am I right? People are saying 'The Gacha community is toxic!' 'The Gacha community is dying!'. Well, no, the Gacha Community really isn't dying. Maybe there's another community out there full of L0vE inCesT gAcHa stuff? ANYWAYS, incest is really bad and the 18+,14+, *etc.* Signs are very useless. And some may be fuck¡ng stereotyped, like 'sHorT kAwAiI bOi iN lOvE wIth bAd bOy sAvAGe'. The people who does this should really see what a gay couple really looks like. It doesn't always have to be like that. These kind of stuff should stop, and there are people under 11/12 watching!!!

[Before commenting any hate on me, keep in mind that these are all MY OPINION only. So don't yell at me, I'm not homophobic either. I'm bisexual ❤️💜💙]]



4 years ago   226 views   1 frames


  Cat time

i don't like japan and america ships is because there not together on the real map or maybe this ship is made from an astronot from nasa

3 years ago   Reply

A Random Dude

Wow, bro, you like incest?

4 years ago   Reply
  Taehuyn txt lover

I am kpop stan

4 years ago   Reply
  A Random Dude

I disagree with everything

4 years ago   Reply (1)
  𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 my beloved

Omg i hate people that do thissss

4 years ago   Reply

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