
We may feel down and want to kill ourselves.... But before you do... I'd like to say a few things.... Think of how your family would feel... Even if they don't treat you right... You can always kill them with kindness.... Think of your friends... And if you don't have any now... You'll atleast find one good friend eventually no matter how long it takes. Each of us have a purpose and if you don't belive me then why were you born? God gives us special trates take kindness for example. That's the one gift we all have in common. Think of someone you'll love. Everyone finds atleast one love throughout theyre life. You will find a soul mate. And if you break up. You'll both feel bad. Just know... Life isn't about horrible things.... Its about the joy... No matter how bad it gets... We'll always find a way. You only have one life... So make the most of it.

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