The Adventure S4 E3
After the explosion caused by the transformed Grief Orange, he creates a big Rage Ball, made out of pure negative energy, the rage ball would’ve destroyed everything around Orange not including the god. A shining light falls from the sky and hits the dead ZeroX, energy emanates from his leaked blood, a small pebble sized shard of a Power Crystal fell from the sky, power crystals are massive crystals the size of gigantic stars, hundreds of times bigger than our Sun, if one of them were absorbed, a being higher than a god would be created, an Elder God, only one exists to this day, the one who created the universe and the crystals The God. In reality, Gods aren’t really gods, there is only one God, the creator. But Elder Gods are truly what you would call gods. As ZeroX absorbed the pebble, the energy from his body formed a massive version of himself, he absorbed it, and Super ZeroX emerged. Super ZeroX is what most people think of when they think of ZeroX, when the God of Time rewinded time, ZeroX went back to S1 ZeroX, now he is finally back to normal, ZeroX grabbed the Rage Ball, destroyed it, and destroyed the Rage Energy surrounding Orange, and grabbed him. ZeroX power level: 600,000
Orange power level: 300
Black power level: 4,000,000
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