
Uh- please take this post a bit seriously. I most likely don't have OCD, but please- this isn't for attention.

Basically, this just happened a week ago, and I don't have worries about germs. Anyways. Here's my worry list.

Everyone's gonna die.
I'm gonna be pushed over tomorrow since I always sit out at lunch like the other 2 females. (Yes, I'm a girl.. -)
Everyone's gonna assume I'm a furry and bully me.
I'm gonna get sick.
I'm scared to die
The roof is gonna collapse and crush me and my parents and I'll die.

That's so far, but I hope things won't get worse.



4 years ago   58 views   1 frames   1 Like



𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 my beloved

I most likely don't have OCD and Holy frick- that's funny and a bit weird ;v;"
Some cousins / family members like annoying each other and it happens alot to me currently--
But it's always fun to trick your family members and mess around with them, until it gets serious. Just keep that in mind - v-"

4 years ago   Reply
  𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 my beloved

I think about this stuff a lot, but i just ignore it.
My cousin said she had ocd ;-;
Maybe she just liked taking advantage of m when i was little and ddnt know what i was thinking..
She said it was when she would get mad at things that were out of place
Maybe shes a perfectionist?
Maybe she just likes getting mad..?
I kinda felt helpless when she did things like that
She even stole something of mine..
I new she’d do that, but still, still her take it.

4 years ago   Reply (1)


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