Practicing in freezing temperatures is definitely not fun!

Yesterday we had band and color guard practices outside (like usual) but it was literally 48 degrees and the wind was blowing so it made it feel even colder(might I add it also lightly rained on us) We didn’t even bring out our flags outside because it was that windy. A lot of people called/ texted their parents to bring them extra jackets (and I even texted my mom to bring me another jacket) but when we were practicing, my friend Emalia who is also my “Shadow” (shadows are basically people who don’t have a place in the show because they either failed classes or didn’t go to summer practices but they basically just stand behind you and follow ur movement) but she literally was like immune to the cold. Idk how but she literally was barely fazed by the freezing temperature.(that was random but I just thought I would mention my friend literally being Elsa) our band directors were nice and let us leave an hour early. Also we have practices tomorrow and it’s supposed to be 50 degrees. We were gonna take pictures in our uniforms (which the uniforms are T-shirt and shorts) but our school decided to be extra nice and move pictures to Tuesday which is supposed to be a warmer day. Anyways that’s my experience of practicing in freezing weather and hopefully I’ll survive tomorrow’s practice

3 years ago   93 views   1 frames   5 Like



Ruby same, I’m good with cold temperatures but hot temperatures make me have anxiety attacks

3 years ago   Reply

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