I got in an argument with I friend and I need your help to start a new fan base. I’ll make a discord server for it and everything. The fan base is called §DRAGON§SQUAD§ and it for all people who support strong dragons more than weak fluffy things called eevees. No this is not a Pokémon fan base. My friend I’m challenging against is in a eevee squad and keeps bragging. ADD §DRAGON§SQUAD§ TO YOUR QUOTE THING UNDER YOUR NAME ON YOUR PROFILE PAGE IF YOU AGREE WITH ME ABOUT DRAGONS ARE AWESOME. I’ll post the link to the discord server soon. For now, adding §DRAGON§SQUAD§ to your list thing is all that is needed. Thank you for supporting and together, WE SHALL BECOME THE BEST DRAGON SUPPORTING FAN BASE THERE IS! (More info on the discord server coming soon)
4 years ago 41 views 1 framesDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!