Fellowship of the ring. lavender reviews (no spoilers)
So it is not easy making a "professional" review of the lord of the rings films by Peter Jackson cause these are my favourite movies of all time. I have read the books but it was a long time ago so i don't remember much but the films helped me keep enjoying the lord of the rings anyway to the review we go...
I won't talk about the plot in the reviews of this trilogy cause i want it to be completely spoiler free
(Btw you DON'T have to know the plot of the Hobbit to understand lotr)
So the fellowship of the ring. It's amazing . Very fun. beautifully casted ian McKellen is perfect as gandalf
the digital effects were groundbreaking for the time and they still look good today the movie is enjoyable even if you haven't consumed any form of any of Tolkien's creations the storytelling is amazing it sucks you right in at the first 5 minutes and it keeps you amazed by it all the way through
Ok I'll stop now
For short: it's super fun i understand if you won't enjoy it but you have to admit it's a good film. If you don't agree then.. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!
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