
Today has been depressing for me so..

Think you can hurt my feelings? I've had multiple friends over the years, they ended up either moving, or leaving me, I thought I only had 4 true friends...I got into a huge fight with one of them, she ended up leaving me also, my 2 other friends said they were "too busy to hang out" when I asked them if they could..I know currently have one other friend...she has been my friend for 6 1/2 years..if she leaves me? Well, I don't know...I'll just be alone for the rest of my life until I find another friend, which will be a long time because jm and introvert and hates talking to people because I'm paranoid of them saying "no" or just ignoring me..that's why other people to talk to me first...

3 years ago   13 views   1 frames


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